Local Street Lighting - 163rd Place, City of Hammond, IN
163rd Place is located in the Hessville Neighborhood of Hammond. This area has narrow right of ways and tight streets.
NIES Engineering was selected by The City of Hammond to determine a reasonable and cost effective solution to this issue. The street was to be reconstructed and the project was to include decorative lighting and sewer separation.
In order to provide adequate lighting to the area, NIES Engineering developed a lighting plan that utilized the Granville Series of decorative lighting from the Holophane outdoor lighting company. This series of lighting meets both the mechanical and aesthetic requirements of today's lighting standards. The lights chosen incorporate an ISD SuperGlass reflector that increases the amount of light that reaches the roadway which maximizes pole spacing for a more cost effective and efficient design. They also allow for flexibility in the design process and offer features such as tool-less entry, integral relamping without removing glass, and an integral photo-control to allow for easy installation and maintenance.
NIES Engineering completed this design while working with City Engineering, lighting, sewer and water departments to meet all of the City's needs. Upon selection of the lighting and completion of the design, NIES assisted with Bidding and award of the contract and the overseeing of construction.
The street construction and lighting installation was completed on time and within budget, and the residents now enjoy a much improved driving surface and a more aesthetically pleasing and effective lighting design for better visibility.
Key Points
- Decorative Lighting
- Cost Effective
- Rehabilitation